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News & Rumors


San Antonio, Texas
Six Flags Theme Parks






icon_STOPPark News
- (7/12/2024) There has been a lot of talk on social media about the status of the Kid Flash coaster at Fiesta Texas once again. Most of this talk mentions that the coaster valleyed, and some even say it started to de-rail once again, but I think that later part maybe false. There is a photo of the train in question going around, stalled on the tracks, and surrounded by staff, and looking very much like the first car is turned off the rail, as if it de-railed. However, you will notice that all of the Kid Flash passenger cars only have one set of wheels on the back-end of the car, and that the trains use a “zero car” in front to serve as the front wheels of the entire train. In the photo going around, you’ll notice that the zero car is missing, as it was removed from the rail, which of course is going to cause the lead passenger car to look like it about the fall off the rail as well. I wasn’t there of course, but my assumption is that they were removing the stalled train from the rail, car by car, and had just started with the zero car when the photo was taken.
    Again, just pointing out another likely possibility, instead of something more dramatic like a de-rail. Of course, this is also happening because the Kid Flash rides did suffer from some similar problems in the early days as well, so it is easy to assume that it may have happened again. But the question is… just what is the future going to be for this unique family coaster?
    There is an early whisper going around that Six Flags may be looking into the possibility of just removing Kid Flash (and it’s cousin at Six Flags over Georgia) by the end of the year if necessary. Some of this rumor coming to light now may also be a sign of early influence by the new Cedar Fair run management team, post-merger. Cedar Fair is well known to run their parks and rides to a different set of standards than many of the old-school Six Flags parks.
    The timing is also interesting as well, as both Kid Flash coasters did not open to guests at the Fiesta Texas and Georgia parks until the last few months of 2023. Considering that the coasters have been closed far more than they have been open ever since the park’s were “handed the keys” to operate them, I wouldn’t be surprised if some kind of “Lemon Law” clause in the contracts were coming up at the 12-month point, allowing Six Flags to demand their removal if they can’t be made to operate in a reliable manor.
    With that in mind, I’d keep an eye on both of these rides when visiting the parks over the next few months for signs of any activity.
    (6/23/2024) The latest update from Six Flags Fiesta Texas confirms that the “commissioning process” for the park’s new collection of water slides as well as the updated Wonder Woman “2.1” updates (with new trains) are now almost complete. I’d keep an eye for all of these additions to be open very soon.
    Meanwhile the parts and pieces to the park’s new monorail and Nebulaz rides were also reported as arriving last week, so work is moving forward on the park’s update to the DC Universe themed zone and attractions as well. Speaking of the new Monorail… enjoy the little video clip below to see just how that project got started.



icon_STOP2024 - Kid’s Waterpark Expansion - (6/1/2024) While we’re discussing work taking place at the park, a few pictures showing off the progress of the new waterpark expansion has also been posted. The park hopes to get this expansion finished and ready to open before the end of June.



    The waterpark expansion was announced oroginally as a 2023 project, but it appears to have been pushed back to become a 2024 project.
        (12/11/2022) The park announced seven kid-friendly slides coming to the White Water Bay waterpark. This includes a KIDZ TornadoWave, KIDZ Tornado 12, KIDZ MiniRiver slide, a pair of KIDZ OctopusRACER slides and a pair of KIDZ ProRacer slides.


icon_STOP2024 - Wonder Woman Improvements - (6/1/2024) Good news from Six Flags Fiesta Texas, as the park has reported that the second train for Wonder Woman has now arrived on site, and that crews are soon to arrive on site to begin the testing and programming needed to re-open the ride for the season with the new next-generation trains. They also confirm that the third new train is expected to arrive in the next week or so as well, as they work towards re-opening Wonder Woman by July 1st.






    (3/21/2024) Six Flags Fiesta Texas reports that the assembly of their three new roller coaster trains for Wonder Woman has begun, and they are expected to arrive at the park later this Spring. If all goes well, they are hoping to have it reopen by Memorial Day Weekend.
    (12/22/2022) Wonder Woman: Golden Lasso Coaster will be getting some big improvements to improve the train and comfort of the ride, based on the improvements made to the latest version of the Raptor coaster design as seen at the Wonder Woman coaster that opened at sister park, Magic Mountain, earlier this year. So look for an improvement described as a ‘huge upgrade’ coming to the Wonder Woman experience as they retire the original “prototype” trains from use next season.


icon_STOP2024 - 3 New Attractions and DC Universe Expansion - (7/19/2024) Six Flags Fiesta Texas President, Jeffrey Siebert, has posted some photo updates showing off parts and pieces of some of their new DC Universe attraction pieces arriving at the park (including the Metropolis Monorail trains) as well as a look at the construction site itself.

    (3/2/2024) While Six Flags Fiesta Texas has been hard to work on their DC Universe expansion project that will see three new rides added and see thematic upgrades to several more, it sounds like this could be an ongoing construction project for much of the 2024 season. Thus far the park’s focus has been in the upgrading of their existing rides to fit the new DC Universe related names and theming, but much like last year, construction on the three new rides seems to just starting as we enter March.
    You may recall how the racing/dueling Kid Flash themed coasters did not open until October 2023 season. Now the local news reports that based on the permits filed with the city, the work on the three new rides is just starting now and has listed the expected completion date of October once again. In fact, new pictures posted to Facebook confirm that they are just now pouring the foundations for the Cyborg and Shazam attractions this week.

    (12/10/2023) New layout concept art for the upcoming DC UNIVERSE at Six Flags Fiesta Texas can be seen below. This includes the official layout for the Metropolis Transit Authority (with station artwork) as well as logos for all the DC UNIVERSE area attractions.

    (9/4/2023) Some new images of concept art for the Metropolis Transit Authority coming to Six Flags Fiesta Texas have been posted to Twitter, including a look at a proposed track layout. Keep in mind that they say these are just design concepts only shown here, so the final layout may be different from what is being shown at this time.
    Screamscape has also been informed that all three new attractions coming in 2024 are being sourced from Zamperla Rides. With that in mind, I’m expecting the MTA to be a custom version of Zamperla’s “Aerial Ride” attraction system that will use a four-car train system instead of individual ride cars.

    (8/30/2023) Six Flags Fiesta Texas has confirmed that the park will feature the largest DC Comics themed area of all in 2024 when they add three new attractions and re-theme several others nearby to DC comics characters.
    The new rides will be:
    Metropolis Transit Authority - a 16-passenger relaxing sky train aerial tour 17-feet above the DC Universe aboard Art Deco covered monorail style trains.
    Cyborg Cyber Revolution - a themed Zamperla NebulaZ flat ride
    Shazam! Tower of Eternity - a 70 foot rotating family drop tower experience
    Meanwhile the DC Universe will be filled out by the newly rethemed rides:
Bat Girl: Coaster Chase - formerly Streamliner Coaster
The Penguin: Gotham City Getaway - formerly Rambling Road
Supergirl Sky Flight - formerly Sky Screamer
Green Lantern Emerald Flight - formerly Stunt Pilots
Poison Ivy Toxic Spin - formerly Sky Searchers
    Plus the six existing DC Universe themed attractions: Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster, DC Super Villain’s Swing, Joker: Carnival of Chaos, Superman: Krypton Coaster, Batman: The Ride and Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster.

    (8/17/2023) So what’s going on at Six Flags Fiesta Texas? It appears that school is now back in session in Texas and the park has moved to a weekend only schedule, allowing construction for various projects to begin. Based on some speculation and photos shown on Facebook, one line of thought is that in addition to removing at least one ride, a small number of the park’s rides may also be moving to new locations within the park to allow for future growth plans.

    (7/16/2023) More clues as to what Six Flags Fiesta Texas is up to for 2024 have been being posted to Facebook on a regular basis, but a few readers and I spotted something of interesting in the Clue #15 post showing off the artwork in the office gallery.
    What am I talking about? Take a look at the picture of Park President Jeffrey with a big Fiesta Texas painting behind him. Now take a look below that, along the bottom left edge of the photo. I clearly see the Six Flags Fiesta Texas logo in the top corner of a photo showing off what appears to be a Premier Rides SkyRocket II roller coaster with green track and a purple train. Now the colors could be photoshopped to be any color really, but Green and Purple is a classic Six Flags combo for a Joker themed ride. Long time visitors will remember that Fiesta Texas used to have a fun Joker themed coaster, complete with a funhouse themed queue. With Batman now in place along with coasters themed to Superman and Wonder Woman, I’d say it is long past time for The Joker to return in an all new form.
    Side note: my first instinct was to say that it was Zombie Ride from Bosque Magico, which was taken down and in need of a new home, but RCDB now lists Zombie Ride as reopening at Salitre Magico in Colombia sometime later this year. So if this is really what is happening, then it should be a brand new ride.
    Of course Jeffrey could just be trolling us all hardcore, knowing we would see the coaster.




Track Record

Six Flags Fiesta Texas
San Antionio, Texas
Six Flags Theme Parks

Abbreviation: SFFT

Newest Developments
2023 - Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster

2022 - Dr. Diabolical’s Cliffhanger

2021 - Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines & Poltergeist Update
2019 - Pirates of the Deep Sea and The Joker Carival of Chaos

2018 - Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster

2017 - Thunder Rapids

2016 - Spinsanity, Fireball and Hurricane: Force 5

2015 - Batman: The Ride and Soaring Eagle Zipline

2014 - Bahama Blaster

2013 - Iron Rattler, Gunslinger

2012 - Sky Screamer

2011 - New Lone Star Nights & Ovation



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